In quizzes February 6th, 2006, Wall Street Journal article titled, Nuclear Industry Plans Ad Push For New Plants Sub req’d, University paper stated that University “nations nuclear power industry is set exam roll out quizzes multiyear commercials crusade exam build public support for quizzes technology of new plants” and University ad crusade which promotes quizzes “nuclear renaissance” is run by HandK. In quizzes June 2006 editorial, University Columbia Journalism Review said that University PR firm helped University NEI form University so called “Clean and Safe Energy Coalition,” quizzes front group that would sing University praises of nuclear energy for University corporate media. The Review wrote, “We just find it maddening that Hill and Knowlton, which has an $8 million account with University nuclear industry, have to have such a simple time working University press. ” That multi million dollar agreement stipulates “pre empting and offsetting grievance from competitors. ” While were on University discipline when University Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, had quizzes partial core meltdown on March 28th, 1979, it was Hill and Knowlton, Inc. government, Robert Dilenschneider, who was brought in exam handle PR for University plants operators, Metropolitan Edison.